Saturday, January 23, 2010
Myself And The Direction Path!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thinking Of You
Daddy's side grandpa pass away when I'm still kid,which are 12 years old,grandma pass away when I was 15 years old.Both I also not able to remember it clear as I still don't know the meaning of it.Then,Mummy's side grandpa pass away when I was 19,but that time I'm in the period of staying at home due to waiting for STPM result,yet I have the chance to take care of him,just that he is a very stubborn old grandpa.Lastly,my last grandma pass away when I was 21 years old,2006 if not mistaken.During that time I'm studying at uni,so I'm unable to reach on time,I was late for 2 days.
When I reach,she already laid in peace in the small bed.
Every of the time,I'm just act normal as guys are hard to get into such situation,probably for me.Anyhow,before I came back,I've already cry and cry and cry,I really realized that I love my grandparents a lot,although every time quarrel with mummy's side grandparent,but I already stay with when since I was born,the more I think of them,especially my grandma,the more I feel regret.
I heard from my mom,back few months before she rest in piece,she always asking when I will came back,my mom also said that she's sick,so if got holiday or what,please back or give a call.So I came back that week for few days only,then went back to uni again.Few months later,my mom called and tell me with sorrow tone the news that I really can't get it,she pass away,when sleeping,without leaving anything,saying nothing.I scolded my mom for not telling me earlier,but she really do go in peace that morning,and my tears pouring without being noticed by my housemates.
I'm not able to see her last face,I'm not able to share with her my study life,I'm not able to take care of her,I'm not able to give her my 1st salary,I'm not able to fetch or carry her to wherever she wanna go.I really didn't do anything for her yet starting the time I'm able to think maturely.
And I scolded her once more,for not letting me to know earlier that she will gone forever.She leave me just like that,just like that~
A ma,I just can say that I miss u very very very much,I miss you...really really miss you...sorry for being a stubborn grandson to you whole time...I'm sorry...Do find me in dream when you are free...I LOVE YOU FOREVER...
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Commitment and Yours!
Boss~we know it is our responsibilities to monitor all things,manage it well...and Boss you don't like to listen for excuses and just see figures...good figures proves that we had done our job and responsibilities,bad figures proves another reason means we are not doing anythings...that's because you not really see what we are don't know what we really do...and what's the hard ways we need to consider and go through...everything you targeted wanna get the best results...with your advices and theory...we know that,we do know that...but our bottom line unable to absorb all...we also can't manage all...time needed are longer compared theoretically...don't fully apply theory in real life..."hang em thong geh"...
I'm doing the job for all of you...but can do it well or not I can't promise since all of you giving lots of responsibility that we human can't achieve it on time...remember..tasks are not comes from your side only...we receive many others...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ngi Ngi Ngam Ngam!!
the more free time I have,the more I feel to scold and firing ppl...hahaa not a healthy stuff huh..
manage ppl is damn HARD!!!I'm still unable to manage so many ppl under me!!!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Having An Accident With Pig Is Easier Than Hitting Tree By Your Own!!
16th February,Monday,around 3pm.This super clever 50-60 years old pig are making an incomplete U Turn while I'm driving fast at straight lane.Excuse me JPJ,any kind of vehicles should use trailer or lorry's hon so that deaf people also can feel the shock of the hon,normal brand they can't hear it lah!!The road are super wide,enough for making a full and fast u turn,and his u turn giving me the opportunity to hit him."Dumb",the sound I never herd since driving car,and it happened to me on that day!!Came out to see the face,ups...really "tua kerepot,nak masuk kubur dah"..tort is chinese..calm little bit..BUT IS PIG LEH!!Say is my fault some more..God damn..see also know la,I'm from straight way,U are making silly U turn..still my fault ah!!That's why many of your so-called piggy want to object study in english for particular subjects la!!Cause I'm chinese,ask me whether I'm drunk,ask me whether I got license,and told that my brake got problem~~wuuu...Damn I wanna admit all that...
Went for the statements said that I'm driving fast,but the pig estimate that can pass..halloo..u said like that,already can blame u larr..estimate~~die la u!!!know I'm fast then u still make the turn..wahh!!!Pak Lah..his brain level same as u!! Another funny statements,the pig said that currently very "suey"...already accident for 6 times...Halloo Halloo...6 times..still wanna blame me that just the first time?? (No more next time TQ)..Police don't wanna help me and wanna help the pig also can't la...gave such clarification~~fuHHHH
What I'm not satisfy is I need to paid for the repair fee...Huhuu...some sort RM700 like that..many nehhh...already happened...see also heartache...My Wira become Wivo ady...
p/s:Wivo are combination of wira and mitsubishi evo,Malaysia pig very very "heng"...turn back it's still local car no matter how u change it...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
对-define as things that majority agreed to as correct and acceptable...
错-define as things that majority not agree to as correct and unacceptable..
however,it should not be defined like is impossible to find out whose right and whose wrong for every single unknown...
here are some example that can be taken as reference...
--why America/US attack Iraq?
US claims that Iraq have and are developing nuclear weapon for war attack first to diminish it before Iraq are able to develop or use the weapon to attack last,US can't find any related nuclear sources and weapons to prove their claims.For us,this is wrong,cause US attacked Iraq with the claims but proved there is no such things.
But,if we see from another angle,Iraq had military activities,with the ability to develop such weapons with huge destruction.So,before Iraq are able to complete it nuclear power and use to attack US,US take the 1st steps to destroy them 1st in order there won't be any miserable attacks by Iraq in future using their new weapons.
In order to protect their country before happen,there's not labeled as wrong decision to be taken.Prevent is better than Cure.US prevent,there is nothing wrong,right??
--why some helps from us are harms for some peoples?
this i take my own experience..
Company's stock check,we always do stock check for the showrooms in order not to get problems and ensure that stocks are always in good conditions and quantities.We the higher management scare that once company finds out that our stock got problem then blame us,so we check every single items.actually our scope of power are,check what u see on that time only,if don't have at the particular time,then it counted as lost stock.however,we never make like that since it relate to the management,and staffs themselves..we waste few days to check 1 showroom only,while normally other teams check few showroom in few days.and that's also shows our sincere and heart to helps them to settle the problem and not to get blame by highest management.
however,in their mind,we are just bringing problems for them,stock lost need to be pay by them once checked,and we 'anti' them,cause keep on checking the stocks,wants them to compensate for the stocks lost.
Once problem arise,beg us "really want take such actions,don't you feel pity for us?our family?kids?" this is not the issue,but correct for them,we do pity,but how pity also,work still need to be done..if not,help them cover?? then who pity us back??we don't have family?
We just working,serving company,company earn how much,loss how much also not ours.So,work should be done accordingly,responsible,don't harm anyone...we work to earn livings..some peoples says work is to earn experience,experience is important than payment,still correct,but with reasonable payments...if works without reasonable payment,just earn experience,does experience give u monthly income?? does experience can be foods for their family?can be income for living?'s still back to the title->what's right,what's things accordingly...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Back for Blogging!
tort wanna resign after CNY...but seems can't yet haha...the salary and flexibility of work still attract me much...too bad...will stay till 1 years then if really wanna resign since the minimum of experience required by common works are 1 year...try my best~~~
update next time...suddenly feel wana go home already...4.16pm...ciaoz~
Saturday, January 3, 2009
CaN HuMan WHiLe DriViNg Hits FlyInG ObjEcT??YUP!!
I hit cat before, monitor lizard...and see before-monkey and dog got rolled through under tyre~hehe...1 live scene is a bus in front of me drive very fast, can't even bypass it, then suddenly its tyre rolled through a dog, all "hancur berkecai", nothing left...everything in small pieces...fresh "dog kut teh" =_=""
p/s: may all of you rest in peace lah~~
Friday, January 2, 2009
$%*HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009*&%^$
Pig are too stupid to be Clever even a Little Bit!!!
another super hillarious story,I also don't know why it's hillarious,but I laught at the pig stupidity...when I'm at 1 of my showroom,got a customer walk in to complaint bout us!He bought Hitachi fridge,Toshiba w/machine,and latest is Olympus digital camera.both Hitachi & Toshiba the salesman didn't gave the freegifts,and this is just a taken-out story to tell,and we promise to gibe back..other story again,the litres of the fridge is not same as litres inside the fridge,when he wanna buy,his wife said it's ok,nevermind...then now come complaint again...but the main things he came is to complaint about the battery of the camera,just 3 month then condempt already,and the policy actually there is no accesory warranty normally,however our side will help him to follow up with Olympus service center,he refuse it???aihh...then asked us to changed the battery for him,sure can't ler without supplier acknowledge,and assecory is not included,we still wanna help but he insist like that,what to do...NOOB lo...oh,reason that we can't help him follow on the spot because is his nooby day also..."AWAL MUHARRAM"...supplier close ma,but does he understand?no also...still asking us to change then tell supplier the next day,please la,u tort like all of u meh,doing things without thinking rationally!!!I asked him to write a report or call to both our HQ and supplier if he don't believe us,he himself don't want...still asking other walk-in customer beside him not to buy our things...WAHKAO...WHAT HE WANTS OOO!!!can sue him de leh for doing like that...niabeh!!!stupid till home...after that still don't want go,ask us to call supplier HQ...HEY MORON,U UNDERSTAND OR NOT BUSINESS CLOSED BECAUSE UR AWAL WHAT MUHARRAM...CLOSE...TUTUP,FAHAM KE TIDAK BABI...MEMANG BABI BUTA...said wanna come back day after that,but didn't show up also,feel ashame to yourself pls!!!at last Olympus ask him to send back for service checking,still the same answer as we told him earlier ar...not satisfy,go Consumer Tribunal lo~easy...we see many problematic customers
Saturday, December 13, 2008
em~accompany fren dat come for working purpose ler~same company ma aha~...when writing this leh,i stay at hotel as well...Kuantan,2 bed for 1 person =.='''...den wil go KL superior them really very busy neh every week travel...i jz continuous travel for 3 weeks only feel beh tahanz liao...but that's need to stood still and keep it on lor~independent independent independent!!!!!!
driving continuously very tired...KB-KL-KT-Kuantan... WUuUWwuu... when BoSs come need to be their driver summore,can say more pressure that time~aha...driving quite fast..boss say slower,don't follow too near~...waaaaa...suffer ar need to remain slow whole time...but correct also...people got so many assets...millions?billion? dunno....their life depend on me when follow my car... ahahahaha~~~ reasonable reasonable...VVIP's life is important... hahaa
Monday, December 1, 2008
YoU ARe FaR MoRe IMpoRTaNt ThAn FRiEnSHiPs~
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I'm Still Thinking Any Acceptable Answers~~~~~~
Broadband surely also have very poor coverage ler, bt whole Kampung maybe no people using, so, still can lar~want download or online...wakaka...Another weird problem is, although the coverage are full, for example at KL, the transactions and processes are very very slow...too many people using ar???
Some enquiries can't be technically, reasonably, and scientifically explained some times...that's why when superiors or anyone, including ourself, need some explanations for any relating and developments, should be no right or wrong question, acceptable should be ok???It is hard to follow up the rapid changing and tornado-alike world and environments!!!We the human doesn't have the right answer for everythings...
A Strong Friendship Exists~
16 November 2008
Today went out with long lost friend, didn’t met for more than 3 years if not mistaken but luckily still got keep in touch haha. What I’m glad is that although she is a stewardess, rich, but still mixable with anyone and didn’t delete me away from her “friend list”. Hehe…still the same her as well, just that thinking and rationale increase tremendously, maybe because of already step in working environment. People’s will grow, early or later only. (SOME WON’T I THINK~)
Talk a lot as usual, from nothing to everything, and non-stop! That’s what I want and requirements for friends around me and Thank God I got quite many of them hahaa…but what I ter-feel is SHE CAN GET CHEAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP FLIGHT TICKET FROM XXX XXXX!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok la~ what to do, she’s the staff there ma, accept lorrr~
Anyway, special friends are always hard to get, got but hard to gather/meet every time/sometimes! So, friends are my very valuable assets and valueless in figure…
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Cloudy Sicky Sunday Expression~
Whatever,already 2 1/2 months start working,company? 'Senheng Electrical (KL) Sdn.Bhd.' Quite satisfy with the salary because it follow KL salary,and based me at my hometown...Kelantan..hehee~so anything also can save save & save!!!For me,finding jobs doesn't need to be so rush and must be choosy,those who said not choosy,trust them then u are 'GENIUS'...Every person has their own requirements and expectations,what to do,our brain can't be programmed,thats why we are able to think,make decision etc,just that whether the decision is correct or not...but although correct at the mean time,still maybe it will cause mistakes and a harm in future,if not to yourself,then to others that related!!
I seek for my 1st job for 3 months+ 1 month of relaxing after graduated from my tertiary education.Quite a long journey for the 1st job,because I'm choosy and try to find the best requirements for myself,I don't want to be like some people,who are in rush to seek for job,afterwards,finding that the job doesn't suit them,then thinking of resigning,for me,it is too troublesome,so wasting some time to seek for it is right,although it is my 1st job after graduate and for experience gaining purpose.Anyhow,another way to express,there are no jobs that overally suits u cause u are not the only person there,community are gathered by lots of behavior/attitude to form a society.So,don't only think at 1 side as it is not enough to conclude anything.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Am I BAck???
Em...since last year huh I didn't update my blog...and also myself!!!
so...already finish my tertiary education at blood pressured "UTAR"...graduation day also already passed...a very limited time for our special occasions. All are happy...I think...hahaa...but at least I'm sure that our group...which consists of few and countable friends...are happy together since year 1 til end of our studies...those who are unable to join us and not "ngam" with us...u yourself know whether u are happy or not...if u know the meaning la...I bet ya all don't know also...but...really!!just limited and special thinking/brain creatures just can mix with us because we are surely different from others...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Next to discuss are.....~
Kindly Assist!!!
but I really got lots to write regarding those issue...can or not???
Kindly assist =.="
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Only You =)
You are my Greatest Love
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Transportation Services I Hate Most~
1st time take long journey route by bus makes me feel more then suxx.. the unstable of the buses itself makes me wanna vomit along the journey and turned me upside down for more then 1 days..the after that take 2nd time...OopS..mistake..1st time is taking bus to Pudu..Walao wei...standing along the way..Smells suXx..but what to do..wanna go beck ma~ After that...i promised myself that i wont take buses as my choices of transportation~
Juz pass last months...i broke the promise..once again i take bus from Serdang KTM beck to Sg.Long..Why....Why!!!!!!!!!! Greed of cheap lol~~RM1..zzz compare with Taxi..RM15++...Along the way beck...the LJ bus had stopped for more than 20 stops...More than 20 man~~Make me sick of it...not even till 1 minute of stopped..then stopped..den stopped...zZz...
why i din't take taxi....huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh~~~~~ whatever...2nd promise to myself...don't take buses as ur choice of transportation...HaHaaaa~
=.= Streamyxxxx~~ Zzz~
HUH..?? streamyx hv been cut..???????????? what the hell oO~ after pay the sum of the fee also cut..?? nak kena ni~ Then what i noe is..we din pay the phone bills even once... My GoD..really forgot still have phone bills that need to paid...Ahahaaa~ dunno dunno...
really suffer after 14th Dec~ Sigh~~
The Moral of this story is..
Monday, November 20, 2006
6th Week of the Sem~
What a whasting weekend again~ how come..
what? Don't trust? Aih Mapling Dota PPStream..
Writing diary meh~~wah kao..
whatever..this week is the last week of this semester..+ oil~
+ for nothing~~
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The BeRMuDa TriAnGL3~

The "Bermuda or Devil's Triangle" is an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States, which is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. The apexes of the triangle are generally accepted to be Bermuda, Miami, Fla., and San Juan, Puerto Rico.In the past, extensive, but futile Coast Guard searches prompted by search and rescue cases such as the disappearance of a flight of five TBM Avengers shortly after take off from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., or the traceless sinking of USS Cyclops and Marine Sulphur Queen have lent credence to the popular belief in the mystery and the supernatural qualities of the "Bermuda Triangle."Countless theories attempting to explain the many disappearances have been offered throughout the history of the area. The most practical seem to be environmental and those citing human error. The majority of disappearances can be attributed to the area's unique environmental features. First, the "Devil's Triangle" is one of the two places on earth that a magnetic compass does point towards true north. Normally it points toward magnetic north. The difference between the two is known as compass variation. The amount of variation changes by as much as 20 degrees as one circumnavigates the earth. If this compass variation or error is not compensated for, a navigator could find himself far off course and in deep trouble.An area called the "Devil's Sea" by Japanese and Filipino seamen, located off the east coast of Japan, also exhibits the same magnetic characteristics. It is also known for its mysterious disappearances.Another environmental factor is the character of the Gulf Stream. It is extremely swift and turbulent and can quickly erase any evidence of a disaster. The unpredictable Caribbean-Atlantic weather pattern also plays its role. Sudden local thunder storms and water spouts often spell disaster for pilots and mariners. Finally, the topography of the ocean floor varies from extensive shoals around the islands to some of the deepest marine trenches in the world. With the interaction of the strong currents over the many reefs the topography is in a state of constant flux and development of new navigational hazards is swift.Not to be under estimated is the human error factor. A large number of pleasure boats travel the waters between Florida's Gold Coast and the Bahamas. All too often, crossings are attempted with too small a boat, insufficient knowledge of the area's hazards, and a lack of good seamanship.The Coast Guard is not impressed with supernatural explanations of disasters at sea. It has been their experience that the combined forces of nature and unpredictability of mankind outdo even the most far fetched science fiction many times each year.We know of no maps that delineate the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. However, there are general area maps available through the Distribution Control Department, U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, Washington, D.C. 20390. Of particular interest to students if mysterious happenings may be the "Aeromagnetic Charts of the U.S. Coastal Region," H.O. Series 17507, 15 sheets. Numbers 9 through 15 cover the "Bermuda Triangle."Interest in the "Bermuda Triangle" can be traced to (1) the cover article in the August 1968 Argosy, "The Spreading Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle", (2) the answer to a letter to the editor of the January 1969 Playboy, and (3) an article in August 4, 1968 I, "Limbo of Lost Ships", by Leslie Lieber. Also, many newspapers carried a December 22, 1967 National Geographic Society news release which was derived largely from Vincent Gaddis' Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea (Chilton Books, Philadelphia, 1965. OCLC# 681276) Chapter 13, "The Triangle of Death", in Mr. Gaddis' book, presents the most comprehensive account of the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle. Gaddis describes nine of the more intriguing mysteries and provides copious notes and references. Much of the chapter is reprinted from an article by Mr. Gaddis, "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle", in the February 1964 Argosy. The article elicited a large and enthusiastic response from the magazine's readers. Perhaps the most interesting letter, which appeared in the May 1964 Argosy's "Back Talk" section, recounts a mysterious and frightening incident in an aircraft flying over the area in 1944.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
A SoNg FoR HeR~
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I'm NoT LaZy BuT......~
I'm not lazy..frankly~but 8a.m. lecture, -_-''-_-''-_-'' give ya all 3 ''.. I really can't wake up and be punctual..Never mind if I'm late, as long as i have the heart to go~ Next week is week 7~last week fot this semester~I'l try to be punctual >.< HoHoHoO~
Monday, November 13, 2006
Gundam Intro~::

Gundam Seed~

Gundam Seed Destiny~

However, there are a new leader on Zaft-Gilbert Dullindal which have plan to conquere both Naturals and Coordinators by introducing 'Destiny Plan', using the power of Shin Asuka which are in Zaft military. Lacus Clyne which found out the real fact of this plan, trying to stop it. Together with ArchAngle and Orb's Force. The war has begin once again and Kira and Athrun back in battle with their new upgraded mobile suit (Freedom and Justice) fighting against Zaft's elit Shin Asuka and Rey Za Burrel (Destiny and Legend gundam). Many new mecha in this new episode..
Akatsuki-Orb's MS-Pilot:Mu La Fraga
Dom Trooper-Clyne Faction-Pilot:Hilda, Mars, Helbert
Impulse Gundam-Zaft-Pilot:Lunamaria Hawke
Minerva-Zaft Battle Ship-Captain Gladyss
many more...................
Early Gundam Intro~
The year is UC 0079, the Federation has begun mass production of the prototype Gundams for use by their ground forces. Shiro Amada, commander of the 08th MS Team must lead his squadron through fierce fighting on the ground. However, the Zeons are developing a secret project which could tip the balance of power! Can Shiro and his ragtag team of cast-offs, rejects, and bad attitudes save the Federation?



ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam~

Code name: Strike Freedom Gundam
Unit type: prototype assault mobile suit
Manufacturer: Three Ships Alliance (based on a design by ZAFT)
Pilot: Kira Yamato (Coordinator)
Operator(s): Three Ships Alliance; Orb Union
First deployment: C.E. 74
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 18.88 meters
Weight: max gross weight 80.09 metric tons
Construction: unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact hyper deuterion nuclear reactor, power output rating unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Variable Phase Shift (VPS) armor; Neutron Jammer Canceler
Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU27D 31mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; MGX-2235 "Callidus" multi-phase beam cannon, mounted in torso; 2 x MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber, stored on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x MMI-M15E "Xiphias 3" rail cannon, folded underneath hips, spread out in use; 2 x MX2200 beam shield generator, mounted on forearms; 2 x MA-M21KF high-energy beam rifle, stored on hips, hand-carried in use, can be combined
Optional fixed armaments (docked with METEOR): 2 x 120cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x 93.7cm high-energy beam cannon, 2 x MA-X200 beam sword , 77 x 60cm "Erinaceus" anti-ship missile launchers (22 per pod, 12 per arm unit, 9 on tail fin)
Optional hand armaments: none
Remote weapons: EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON (Disconnected Rapid Armament Group Overlook Operation Network) mobile weapon wings (mounts 8 x MA-80V beam assault cannon)